what is Fitness for good?

We believe fitness can change the world. This movement starts with YOU.

When you work towards improving your own health and fitness, it literally makes you a better person from the inside out. Your life will be noticeably different — from your body composition to your mood — and everything in between.

Your increased fitness gives you increased capacity & energy to go out into the world and do good things for others.
It’s a natural side effect of fitness.

This is a mindset shift: Getting fit isn’t a quick fix — it’s a mentality that fitness is for a lifetime. A lifestyle of fitness will literally change the environment around you. It all starts with you.

Use your fitness to be good and do good, forever. That is Fitness For Good.

meet the founders

The Swobodys

Former firefighter and nurse turned business-owners in the fitness industry, Ryan & Stephanie Swobody founded Fitness For Good out of a desire to impact their local community, and to share their belief that the pursuit of personal excellence, starting with health & fitness, is the most potent solution to some of the world’s biggest problems.

remedy recovery

“CrossFit has kept me sober and now I can help keep others sober, too.”
- Coach Harry

Harry Wolff is an avid fitness enthusiast and someone who is thriving in his personal recovery, while using his passion for fitness to directly impact our local community in one of the biggest issues we are facing: addiction.

Harry believes that the culture and community of CrossFit are some of the biggest reasons he has stayed on such a positive path in his recovery, so much so that he took on Remedy Recovery, a free community program for those working a 12-step program. His passion for not only the recovery community, but for the fitness space in general, comes through in every conversation you have with him.

Remedy Recovery classes are held on Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday at 6:30pm at Remedy Athletics in Marysville, WA.

What People Are Saying

Fitness. Recovery. Community.